Chapter 286 - Qinhuang Treasure

This was where Qin Shihuang kept his treasures! Qin Shihuang was the first monarch to rule the world in ancient China! In front of Qin Shihuang, although there were the three dynasties of Xia Shang and Zhou, but the three dynasties of Xia Shang and Zhou were all under dukedom, the Son of Heaven at that time was merely a strong person amongst the dukes, they could only rule one piece of land around the capital, the other territories were ruled by the various dukes, and those dukes had their own imperial government, army and even words. If the dukes had stronger powers, they could even overthrow the Son of Heaven! On the other hand, Qin Shihuang exterminated all the dukes, and truly ruled over the entire world!

One could imagine how rich the treasures he left behind were!

Whether it was the Jiangnan Martial Lam or the monks of the Shaolin Temple, they all wanted to obtain these treasures. They even thought that these treasures could help Zhao Gou conquer the world. These martial artists held such precious treasures in high regard. Although Zhao Chen would not be like that, but at the moment, he was extremely excited.

At this moment, Qin Yuzhen was also excited. The treasure map of the Qinhuang Kingdom had been in the Tianshan Sect for a thousand years, and it was originally a treasure that belonged to the Tianshan Sect. In order to help Zhao Gou, the Tianshan Sect had asked her to bring the treasure map of the Qinhuang Kingdom down the mountain. But who knew that this place would actually be occupied by Zhao Chen right now?

"Come, let's go in and take a look." Zhao Chen laughed.

Just as he was about to step forward, Yue Fei had already stepped forward!

No one knew just how many mechanisms existed within the treasury, but no one knew whether or not the mechanisms would activate. Therefore, Yue Fei wanted to walk to the very front to prevent Zhao Chen from encountering any dangers.

It was dark inside, and it wasn't until a few soldiers with torches entered that they could see the scene clearly.

This was also a hall. At the moment, the hall was shining with golden lights. There were piles of gold placed!

"So much gold!" Zhao Chen was startled, and said.

"There's at least a million taels of gold here!" Curved End said after looking at it for a while.

"Only a million gold?" Zhao Chen was slightly disappointed in his heart.

If the treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom was only worth a mere one million gold taels, then there wouldn't be much meaning to it! When Zhao Chen attacked Western Xia, just the war compensation he got from Western Xia alone was five million gold and five million silver! The million gold in front of them was a huge sum for ordinary people, but it was nothing for a country!

"Your Majesty, there is still a door here that requires Imperial Jade Seal s to open!" Just at this time, Yue Fei spoke up from the front.

Zhao Chen and the rest anxiously walked over, and immediately, Curved End used his Imperial Jade Seal to open the door.

After this door was opened, there was a large hall inside, and within this large hall were many weapons.

"So many weapons! The weapons here can equip at least 10,000 people!" Curved End asked excitedly.

"They have been placed here for a thousand years. I'm afraid they won't be able to be used!" Zhao Chen shook his head and replied.

He picked up a sword from the ground and saw that it was completely green! It turned out to be a bronze weapon. There was copper rust on its surface! The smelting ability of the Spring and Autumn Warring States era was very low. At that time, most of the weapons used were bronze swords!

He took out his treasure sword from his waist and with a flick of both hands, the two swords clashed. With a crisp sound, the bronze sword was hacked into two halves! Today, he was only wearing an ordinary treasure sword from the military. The sharpness of his sword was only mediocre, but even this bronze sword had no way to defend against it.

Not only was the bronze sword like that, all the surrounding weapons were the same. Zhao Chen, Curved End and the rest all revealed disappointed expressions.

"Your Majesty, this is Qin Gong!" Just at this time, Yue Fei who was in front said fiercely.

Zhao Chen walked with large strides to the front of Yue Fei, only to see him holding a gigantic crossbow! This crossbow was almost as tall as a person, and was much larger than the God Arm Crossbows that Song Army used.

He took the crossbow from Yue Fei's hands and discovered that it was extremely heavy. He took a closer look and realized that the crossbow was made of metal. He was stunned.

"Your Majesty, Qin Wun is made of wood. This crossbow was specially made for the purpose of staying here for future generations to see! Your Majesty, according to historical records, the crossbow was the most important weapon when the Qin soldiers invaded the world! After seeing this Qin Wentian today, we might even be able to imitate him! " Yue Fei said excitedly.

"In the past, there were indeed a lot of crossbow soldiers in the Qin Army! Although my Song Dynasty also has brachial arch, it is extremely difficult to produce them. Until now, we still do not have many brachial arch hands! Furthermore, although the brachial arch had a long range, the speed at which they could draw the arrows was extremely slow! It's said that Qin Gong was not like that! " Curved End also agreed.

"Oh!" If that's the case, then this is the first treasure that we will receive this time around! " Zhao Chen said.

When he saw the million gold previously, Zhao Chen did not treat it as a treasure. Now that he saw this Qin Wangyang, he treated it as a treasure. Although a million gold taels were precious, they were of limited use to the country. If Qin Gong could equip the army and increase the combat strength of the army, then it would be of great help to the country.

"Your Majesty, look, the wall surrounding this wall is the map of the Qin soldiers' battle that year! There's a way for them to deploy troops here! " Yue Fei's voice revealed a hint of excitement.

Zhao Chen looked around at the walls and sure enough, he saw countless diagrams and diagrams. The Qin soldiers were arranged into square formations. Some of the formations were formed by spears and halberds, while others were formed by crossbows! As expected, crossbows were exceptionally important among the Qin soldiers. The crossbows were often in the middle, while the phalanx of long weapons was at the side.

"Your Majesty, the Qin soldier's crossbow only has Qin Wentians in his hand. He no longer has any other weapons!" The surrounding soldiers and horses wielding long spears and halberds were just there to protect their safety! They used crossbows as their main attack power! These are things our infantry can learn! "Also, this place is their cavalry, and their cavalry is all heavily armored. The Huns can't even take a single blow from them." Yue Fei said.

"There are too many places for us to study here!" Zhao Chen nodded slightly.

They stayed there for a long time, Yue Fei looked at the combat maps of the Qin soldiers around the walls and memorized them. Then, they walked towards the back of the hall. Sure enough, there was another door at the back of the hall.

Once again, the Curved End used the Imperial Jade Seal to open the door, and then they saw an extremely shocking scene!

In front of him was also a large hall, or perhaps it could not be described as a large hall. This was an extremely large cave, with no end in sight!

Under the illumination of the torches, they could see that the cave was' full of people '!

These people were all at least 10 feet tall. They had hands and feet, and all of their facial features were vivid and lifelike. They were just like ordinary people!

Back then, they weren't human, but were metal puppets!

"What is this? Why are there so many? " Qin Yuzhen said in a daze.

"According to historical records, when Qin Shihuang ruled the world, in order to prevent rebellion, he gathered the weapons of the seven nations and forged twelve golden men. These twelve golden men were all three Zhang tall, and carved on the back of each golden man was' Twenty-six years old, first transition into the world, dukes into counties, the same law, and the same measure '. Could these be the twelve golden men?" Zhao Chen said as he stood beside Qin Yuzhen.

"Twelve gold men? I've heard of this as well! However, the person in front of us right now is not a 12 Gold Man, I'm afraid there might be over a thousand Golden Man! " Qin Yuzhen said.

"Your Majesty, behind these gold men are indeed carvings of 'The Emperor was twenty-six years old, reunited with the world at the beginning, and changed the nobility to the counties. The laws are the same.' These are indeed the gold men forged by Qin Shi Huang after he gathered all the weapons in the world! "It's just that the numbers are different from what is recorded in the historical records!" Yue Fei had already arrived in front of the 'Golden Man', and after looking at him carefully, he suddenly said.

"It's hard to avoid mistakes in the historical records!" In the Spring and Autumn War Empire, there were many armies in the world. In just Qin Zhao's war, Bai Qi had slaughtered 400,000 soldiers of Zhao! So many soldiers and horses, and so many weapons … if all these weapons were gathered together, how could they be refined into 12 gold men, and not even a thousand of them! " Zhao Chen said.

He had already curiously arrived in front of "Golden Man". Carefully examining him, he saw that this golden man was lifelike. His facial expression was almost identical to that of a real person! Some of the Golden Man held a weapon in their hands, and there were all sorts of weapons. Some were spears, some were enormous bronze swords, and some were crossbows!

In the future, the people would discover Qin Shihuang's terracotta soldiers, but those were all terracotta soldiers. On the other hand, in front of them were "Golden Man" made of metal, which brought about a shocking effect that far surpassed those terracotta soldiers!

Curved End was an outstanding talent in the Western Army, and the people of Guan Shan called him "having literature and martial arts is great". He was an expert in martial arts, and had an abnormal understanding of the history books, causing her heart to tremble!

"The book said that the Twelve Golden Men were placed at the entrance of Epang Palace, and were destroyed by Dong Zhuo! It seems like the twelve golden men are just a small part of the countless golden men. Curved End said.

"That's right!" Zhao Chen nodded.

"Your Majesty, with these gold men, we will never again lack for metal!" Curved End said.

"This …" Zhao Chen was slightly startled in his heart.

"After melting these gold men, we will be able to obtain countless metals. We can forge weapons and farm tools!" Curved End said.

"I really can't bear to destroy these golden men!" After a long while, Zhao Chen said.

"This..." Curved End was startled, and said: "Since Your Majesty has put it this way, this humble subject will not be able to bear it! This was a treasure forged by the Qin Emperor a thousand years ago. If it were destroyed on such a grand scale, it would truly be a pity! "It's just that we really lack metals right now."

"Let's look at the back again!" Zhao Chen said.

Curved End nodded.

At this moment, everyone in the cave was looking around in shock, including the soldiers who had just entered. They couldn't help but be shocked because the scale of this place was too vast.

After a long while, under Zhao Chen's orders, they continued to move forward.

When they arrived at the back of the cave, they opened another door. What followed was another huge cave, and inside it was actually such a huge Golden Man!

These gold men were not much different from the gold men in front, Zhao Chen and the rest stayed here for a while before they continued to move forward.

After that, they encountered three more of these caves, and all they saw were Golden Man! In total, there were almost 6,000 golden men standing at three zhang!

When they reached the fifth Golden Man's Stone Cave, they opened another door, and this time they entered a large hall.

There were no gold or weapons in this hall, but there were actually rows and rows of bamboo slips!

"Your Majesty, the words on it are already blurry!" Curved End said as she picked up a bamboo scroll.

"It has been here for more than a thousand years. It's already pretty good that it hasn't been completely destroyed." Zhao Chen said.

"It records the Qin Shi Huang's campaign against the world." Curved End said after looking at it for a while.

Zhao Chen nodded.

"So many battles! It seems like all the battles have been recorded in the bamboo slips here! " Curved End looked at the bamboo block from one bamboo block to the other.

"The reason Qin Shihuang was able to obtain the world is undoubtedly because his subordinates were tyrannical and no one was able to defeat him. However, the strategy and tactics that they used at that time were of some use to us! These were all important ancient books! The people of the martial arts world in Jiangnan said that they could obtain the treasure of the Qinhuang Kingdom, but they weren't wrong either! If we were to carefully study every battle, every battle, every battle strategy, and every strategy, we would be able to understand the wonders of how to use the Qin soldiers. Zhao Chen said.

"His Majesty is right!" Curved End nodded.

"Your Majesty, the Qin soldiers are very different from us! This bamboo scroll has recorded that all men above the age of 15, and below the age of 65, must join the army. Yue Fei suddenly said.

"It is naturally impossible for a military strategy to extend to the ancient era! At that time, the Qin people only had a population of two to three million. They wanted to go to the other six countries, and to reach a million soldiers and horses, they had to get all the adult males to join the army! The Guan Shan, Middle Han Area, Chuan Shu, Northwest, and Western Xia regions that we rule over have a population of tens of millions, so naturally, we do not need to do this! We're just borrowing them, not copying them all. " Zhao Chen said.

Yue Fei nodded.

"Your Majesty, there are also the various laws and regulations imposed by Qin Shihuang! Including how he made all the books in the world be the same, how he made all the books the same, how he made all the books the same, how he made all the books the same, how he made all the laws the same! This is Qin Shihuang's technique of governance! " Curved End moved to the other side and said fiercely.

"Oh!" Zhao Chen walked over with big strides, and looked at them carefully, and said: "These are all useful to us in governing a country!"

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